11?s-chose blgrs that inspire thnx in advance http://t.co/Lt7KnpD6ht @colingally @RondeauART @WonderPhillips @DwyerTeacher @coolcatteacher
— Kelli Cody (@Kelli_Cody) January 3, 2014
1. What is one thing you do that you would not change for anyone?
I've been asked to change a lot of things for lots of good reasons-this one stumped me.
2. How often do you check your email?
sometimes that's all I do...
3. Where do you find inspiration?
everywhere…I like to connect the dots from whatever I take in
4. What is your comfort food of choice?
noodles, any and every kind.
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
ancestry.com is addicting. I can get lost in the past for days on end.
6. How do you relieve stress/let off steam?
7. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
I try for 9 but end up with 8 usually
8. Where is your happy place?
next to the fireplace in the winter, on the screened porch in the summer
9. Rule follower or breaker?
10.If you could be one age again, what would it be?
I think I might want to try 7 again.
11.How did you start blogging?
to share what's going on in my classroom