Fugleblog Posts: (never miss a post by subscribing to my blog)
- Visual Metaphors (hoping to try this lesson with 2nd grade)
- One Month until the Hall of Fame Raffle (is your child in the Hall of Fame?)
- Green Screen Stop-Motion Stations (4th grade-thanks to ABC/25 grant)
- Art Institute of Chicago Field Trip 2014 (I tweeted the trip)
- Next Vista's Video of the Year is... (and they will be in a Film Festival too!)
- Artsonia Art Exhibit :: Superhero Silhouette (2nd grade)
- Artsonia Art Exhibit :: Picasso Collage (1st grade)
- Artsonia Art Exhibit :: IAEA Student Art Show Entries (congrats!)
- Artsonia Art Exhibit :: Lego Mural (5th grade collaboration)
- Artsonia Art Exhibit :: Wear-a-Bows (for the Kindergarten Tea)
Tweets: (follow me on twitter @Fuglefun)
- Twitter / fuglefun: Moving from physical to digital ... (3rd grade)
- Twitter / fuglefun: Drawing an insect on the #ipad ... (vine video of 3rd grade)
- Twitter / fuglefun: https://t.co/6sDQoLXySR (vine video of 5th grade)
- Twitter / fuglefun: Working on Symmetry & ... (5th grade face/vase illusion)
- Twitter / fuglefun: We are having so much fun with ... (4th grade)
Fuglefunding - Dryden Art
The students and I are so excited that they no longer have to wait to create!