Idea one: Aliens on Instruments
1. I drew the alien head, body, and legs.
(hint: lock the layer when finished so you don't accidentally change or erase it when animating)
2. I drew the alien's instrument then locked it.
3. I drew the arms that played the instrument, copied the slide, erased, and redrew to show movement.
Performance: Lenny and the Leonids
Lenny and the Leonids from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.
Idea Two: Alien Beatboxing
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Performance: Alien Beatboxing
Aliens Beatboxing from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.
Resources: Video and handouts
Planet One from Handymartian on Vimeo.
Use this handout of alien animations by Andy Martin to inspire your students.
Use this handout of instruments to help your students draw the one they need for the band.
Bonus! Alien Remake of a Fugleflick
Deep Space by Aliens from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.