Fugleflick Resources
Monochromatic from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.
Black Marker from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.
Digital Extension: Triptych
I've taught this before in the old iOS using an old app that is no longer supported. So, I reconfigured the lesson a bit. View the old post here.
Brushes Redux is a free drawing app. The students will import the digital picture of their portrait into the app and use the hue and saturation tool to shift the color.
They will make a color choice by moving the HUE slider, save it the camera roll, then make another color choice. This will give them the three images needed to make a triptych in Pic Collage. Student will import their three portraits and choose the three side by side grid. They may have to adjust the placement and size of each portrait before they finalize their triptych. |