Thanks to my former art education professor from the University of Illinois, Elizabeth Delacruz, I was able to contribute to an article published in the Journal of Texas Art Education Association, Trends. On page 64 I shared my excitement about how iPads can transform and open new opportunities for learning in the art room. I gave the example of how I taught my second graders to demonstrate overlapping, transparency, and the illusion of depth in their landscape by using animating a semi-transparent ghost over their spooky landscape paintings with the iPad app DoInk. Read my post from this lesson. Read just my contribution to the article here. |
I am also happy to find that my digital tessellations lesson that I submitted to School Arts Magazine found its way into the third edition of Bridging the Curriculum through Art book co-authored by Pamela Stephens and Nancy Walkup (who also is the editor of School Arts Mag.) They used one of my tessellation examples on the cover~stacked cats. This lesson is a digital extension of a physical art piece. I was able to teach my students a traditional tessellation lesson and then let them use the same concepts in a digital format on the iPads using the Amaziograph app. Read my blog post with tutorials and handouts here. Read my School Arts article here. |