This year's challenge will be both fun and informative. Students will be recreating the faces of four important figures from our history while learning more about the important role African Americans have played in shaping the arts, civics, sports, and politics for everyone in the United States. We hope to use this PBSkids interactive game to match faces to events. See how you do at this game.
Unfortunately, it requires Flash and doesn't work on mobile devices.
PhotoBrick Portraits from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.
BrainPop: Underground Railroad (requires password)
BrainPop: Martin Luther King Jr. (free)
BrainPop: Jackie Robinson (requires password)
Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold (video by ArtGirlJan)
BrainPop: Fredrick Douglass (requires password)
BrainPop: Black History Spotlight (many choices-need password)
PBS video about LEGO ART (free-5:45 minutes)
Download the MLKjr Lego Mural Lesson
See us at work here:
5th graders working on our #LEGO mural in #artsed class @drydenschool
— Tricia Fuglestad (@fuglefun) March 17, 2014
Working on our #LEGO mural in #artsed Class @drydenschool
— Tricia Fuglestad (@fuglefun) March 17, 2014
5th grade LEGO Mural collaboration
— Tricia Fuglestad (@fuglefun) March 17, 2014
Working on our @drydenschool collaborative #lego murals in 5th grade
— Tricia Fuglestad (@fuglefun) March 19, 2014